Biswajit Das


Tezpur University
Tezpur – 784028, INDIA

Contact Information

Call: +91 9678994537


Complete CVPDF

Mr. Biswajit Das

PhD fellow

Department of ECE, Tezpur University, India

Research Area

Nerve Conduction Velocity study, Signal Transmission, Extracellular Space, Local Field Potential, Cognition, Bioelectronics


Modeling and Simulation of Propagation of Action Potential along the Dendrites with Velocity Profile (Completed)

Modeling and Simulation of Extracellular Space and its Role in Signal Transmission (Ongoing)


My research interest involves modeling and simulation of a biological neuron to understand different aspects of signal propagation and the cause for its occurrence, understanding the root cause for several neurological problems and the means to tackle it.


  1. Aug 2015

    Bachelor of Technology (B. Tech) in Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

    Central Institute of Technology, Kokrajhar
  2. Aug 2018

    Masters of Technology (M.Tech) in Bioelectronics

    Tezpur University, Assam, India
  3. Sept. 2019

    Ph. D. in NeuroEngineering (Pursuing)

    Tezpur University, Assam, India

Professional Experiences

  1. 29/11/2018 - 30/09/2019
    Project Associate I
    DST-SERB financed project entitled “Si/ZnO/ZnMgO/PEDOT: PSS/P3HT:PC61 BM hybrid bulk heterojunction (BHJ) architecture based organic solar cell: efficiency enhancement approach through the optical structure modification” under PI Dr. Santanu Maity

Co-Curricular Activities

  • 2006-07
    BOSCOREE Scouts and Guides meet
    (Active participant 2006-07)
    Active participant in all India BOSCOREE Scouts and Guides meet held at Chennai
  • 2014-15
    Organizing member of “CIRCUIMINIEX” & “YANTRAONI”
    Organizing member of “CIRCUIMINIEX” the circuit making competition and “YANTRAONI” the robotic car racing competition at “TECHCRACY” the annual technical festival of CIT, Kokrajhar.